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Brookfield Soccer Club


Brookfield Soccer Club Bylaws and Policies 
January 2024 

Part I - General 

Bylaw 101. Name 

This organization shall be known as the Brookfield Soccer Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club or “BSC”. This Club is, and shall be known as a nonprofit organization constituted as an affiliated member club of the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA) and shall operate on a perpetual basis. 

Bylaw 102. Purpose 

Section 1. The purpose of the Club shall be to teach the skills, rules and regulations of soccer; to foster the atmosphere of sportsmanship and team play at all times, to promote the game of soccer, and to facilitate game play for youth players. 

Section 2. The first priority shall be the promotion of recreational and travel soccer. This policy is established under reasonable assumption that the program for older competitive players would not exist in the absence of the program for the younger recreational players. 

Section 3. The Club will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin. 

Section 4. The Club shall engage in any lawful activity, none of which is for profit, for which corporations may be organized. 

Mission Statement: 

The mission of Brookfield Soccer Club is to provide a safe and positive environment within which the children in our program can learn, develop, and most importantly enjoy their soccer experience. To that end, we have provided this Code of Conduct which we expect to see consistently employed. It is a written reminder that whether playing at a Recreational, Travel or Premier level, soccer is supposed to be fun for the children, and that in addition to technical and tactical development, the concepts of sportsmanship, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness and good citizenship are taught and demonstrated by players, coaches, parents and spectators. It is our belief that we can be competitive without crossing the line of decent behavior, and we will not tolerate any conduct which is detrimental to the players, the community or the sport. 

Brookfield Soccer Club reserves the right to make decisions regarding players, coaches, trainers and spectators as it relates to Code of Conduct violations including removing said person from participating in any club practices, events or games where club teams are participating.

Bylaw 103. Colors 

The colors of the Club shall be blue, gold, and white, with the exception of the goalie who shall wear a contrasting jersey color from the rest of the team. Teams in the rec program are exempt from this requirement. 

Bylaw 104. Affiliation 

The Club shall be an affiliate of, and comply with the authority of Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA), United States Soccer Federation (USSF), and United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). 

Bylaw 105. Authority 

The governing authority of this Club shall be vested in a body known as the Board, which shall exercise the right of decision on all matters pertaining to Club affairs. 

Bylaw 106. Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year of this Organization shall commence with the thirty first day of December in each year and on the same day in each subsequent year unless changed by the Board. 

Bylaw 107. Rules of Order 

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order (see Appendix II) shall guide the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt. The order of business for a typical meeting is usually as follows: 

Roll Call 
Minutes of the last meeting 
Board Member Reports 
Unfinished Business New Business / Proposals 

Bylaw 108. Dissolution of Club 

Should the Club be dissolved, all monetary and physical assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be turned over to the Town of Brookfield and be held in trust to benefit future soccer players of the Town of Brookfield 

Part II – Membership 

Bylaw 201. Membership 

Meetings of Board Members 

Section 1. Board Member. A Board Member shall be anyone who is eighteen (18) years of age, has applied for membership and has been voted in by majority of board vote. . The General Public is invited to all open board meetings. Notice of meetings will be public within 48 hours on the Brookfield Soccer Club website. Board Members must also attend 7 meetings within the BSC Soccer Club calendar year (Fall through Spring) to have official voting privileges. 

Section 2. Participant. A Participant is anyone who is interested in soccer and is registered with the BSC and attending pre-school through grade 12. 

Section 3. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Boards of this Organization for the election of board members and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before such meeting shall be held on such date during the month of November or as soon thereafter, in each year as may be fixed by the President or the Vice President, to be held in the State of Connecticut at such place and at such time as shall be specified in the notice of such meeting. 

Section 4. Notice. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given in writing to each member of record entitled to vote at such meeting by sending by mail, postage prepaid; courier; facsimile; text message or electronic mail, to member’s address appearing in the Club records, at least seven (7) days prior to such meeting, stating the time and place of such meeting. All other club meetings will have public notification on the Brookfield Soccer Club Website at least seven (7) days prior to such meeting. . Generally, meetings happen on the last Tuesday of each month and are located at Brookfield Town Hall, 100 Pocono Road. Brookfield, CT 06804.

Part III - Organization and Board 

Bylaw 301. Board 

Section 1. The Board shall have the right of decisions on all matters pertaining to Club affairs. The Board will conduct the business of the Club and shall be composed of elected officers and appointed coordinators. 

Section 2. The term of office for elected Board members shall be one (1) year; all terms to begin January 1 of the next fiscal year. Each Board position is open for new nominations each year. All officers are eligible for election to the same office or any other office at successive elections. Any officer reelected to the same position remains in the same status of the position. All presidential candidates shall have served on the Board the previous year, unless no Board candidates have been nominated. Vacancies occurring subsequent to elections shall be filled by the majority vote of the Board. 

Section 3. The term of office for appointed coordinators shall be one (1) year, all terms to begin January 1 or the first day of the following fiscal year. 

Bylaw 302. See Brookfield Soccer Club Elected Officers and Duties Policy Bylaw 303. Removal of Elected Board Members 

Section 1. A Board member may be suspended or removed from office for his/her failure to meet his/her responsibilities as described in Bylaw 302, or for otherwise acting in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Club. Such suspension or removal shall require a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Board. Such vote shall be taken during the fact-finding hearing before the Board if said hearing is needed. The President may call for the motion for the removal of any Board member 

Section 2. The President or Vice President shall appoint an impartial committee of fact-finders to review allegations and present a report to the Board within 15 days of being appointed if needed.

Bylaw 304. Financial Controls 

Any expenditure over $500.00 needs both the approval and a ½ affirmative vote by the Board. This vote can either be via during a meeting or in written form (i.e. text and/or email). This will not apply to normal club operating costs, i.e.: training fees, referee payments, field lining etc. The President and the Treasurer of the Club shall be the only members who have use of the club’s debit and/or credit cards. 

Part IV - Meetings 

Bylaw 401. Board Meetings 

Section 1. A quorum of the Board shall consist of ½ of the voting members of the Board plus the President or Vice President. 

Section 2. General and/or special meetings shall be held at a time and place specified by the President and the Board and at least once a month. 

Section 3. Attendance Policy: Three (3) unexcused absences from board meetings shall constitute an automatic vacancy of that Board position. The Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacated position. To be excused, an absence requires contact and notification of any elected Board member at least 24 hours before the start of said meeting. The Board may also automatically vacate a Board position and appoint a person to fill the vacated position if, in its judgment, the number of excused absences renders the Board member incapable of properly carrying out the duties of his/her office. Attendance means in person unless approved by the President. 

Bylaw 402. Annual General Meeting 

Section 1. Annual General Meetings shall be held on or before the last day of December each year, preceded by timely notification of the time and place to all officers and coaches. Voting members shall consist of one (1) delegate from each team and each member of the Board. Members must also attend 7 meetings within the BSC Soccer Club calendar year (Fall through Spring) to have official voting privileges. No member may have more than one vote. Each board member, regardless of how many positions held with the club, will have one vote. The President may at their discretion nominate new board members for approval, remove board members, amend or adopt new bylaws at any time during the fiscal year and at one of the regular meetings with a 2/3 vote. 

Section 2. The order of business shall be as follows:

Roll Call 

Minutes of last Club/Board meeting 

Officers Reports 

Unfinished Business 


Review proposed Bylaw changes. 

Voting on proposed Bylaw changes 

New Business 

Election of Officers, Board Members 


Part V - Grievance Appeals 

Bylaw 501. Grievance, Protest, and Appeals 

The Club and its Board shall enforce procedures for handling protest and appeals in accordance with the principles of due process; hearings shall be duly called, publicized, and held; all parties shall have a chance to be heard; and all rules will be fairly and evenly applied. 

Bylaw 502. Hearing Procedures 

The Club will conduct all hearings and all parties shall be accorded procedures outlined in the CJSA Bylaws and Policies. 

Part VI - Amendments 

Bylaw 601. Changes and Amendments to the Bylaws 

Section 1. Changes or amendments may be affected upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the accredited delegates present. 

Section 2. A proposed change or amendment must be submitted in writing to the Vice President of the Club not later than fifteen (15) days prior to said meeting and posted to the club website. Any action or policy changes approved at the AGM are to be made available on the Club website no later than thirty (30) days after the said meeting.

Section 3. Any case in which these Bylaws are in conflict or become in conflict with the CJSA Bylaws, the CJSA Bylaws shall take precedence and the Club Bylaws shall be amended at the next Board meeting to eliminate the cause of conflict. 

Bylaw 602. Provisional Changes 

The Board, by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, may from time to time make temporary policies or regulations governing specific cases or occasions not provided for in the Bylaws or Policies, but which may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the Club. Provisional Policies so adopted will be submitted to the Club in accordance with Bylaw 601 as a proposal for a Bylaw or Policy amendment. 

Section 4. Officer Removal 

Three (3) unexcused absences from Board meetings shall constitute an automatic vacancy of that Board position. The Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacated position. To be excused, an absence requires contact and notification of any elected Board officer. The Board may also automatically vacate a Board position and appoint a person to fill the vacated position if, in its judgment, the number of excused absences renders the Board member incapable of properly carrying out the duties of his/her office. A Board member may be suspended or removed from office for his/her failure to meet his/her responsibilities as described in these Bylaws, or for otherwise acting in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Club. Such suspension or removal shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board. Such vote shall be taken following a fact-finding hearing before the Board. The President or Vice President(s) shall appoint an impartial committee of factfinders to review allegations and present a report to the Board within 15 days of being appointed. 

Section 5. Appeals 

Anyone who is accused of violation of Club rules will be allowed to appeal the Board decision up to ten days after the Board has issued its notification. Any penalty shall be in force until a written appeal is received via certified at the Club post office box and signed for by a Board representative. Upon receipt of an appeal letter, the Board will convene a judiciary hearing to hear all sides and give the issue full consideration. The judiciary committee shall be made up of at least three members and not more than five members. 

Appendix I

Indemnification of Officers, Board Members, Coaches, Employees 

The Club shall indemnify and hold harmless the officers, members of the Board, coaches, and employees of the Club (collectively "Indemnities") from and against any and all claims, suits, loss, damage, or injury expense (collectively "Liability"), including attorney fees, incurred by or imposed upon an indemnity may be a party, or in which the indemnity having been an officer, member of the Board, coach, or employee of the Club, whether or not the indemnity is an officer, member of the Board, coach, or employee at the time the Liability is incurred, except in such cases where the indemnity is adjudged guilty of willful malfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of the indemnities duties; provided that in the event of a settlement the reimbursement as being in the best interest of the Club. The Foregoing right of Indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which the indemnity may be entitled. 

Appendix II: 

See Roberts Rules of Order

Brookfield Soccer Club Elected Officers and Duties Policy 

Board Positions as referenced in Bylaws. 

Section 1. The Board shall have the right of decisions on all matters pertaining to Club affairs. The Board will conduct the business of the Club and shall be composed of elected officers and appointed coordinators. 

Section 2. The term of office for elected Board members shall be one (1) year; all terms to begin January 1 of the next fiscal year. Each Board position is open for new nominations each year. All officers are eligible for election to the same office or any other office at successive elections. Any officer reelected to the same position remains in the same status of the position. All presidential candidates shall have served on the Board the previous year, unless no Board candidates have been nominated. Vacancies occurring subsequent to elections shall be filled by the majority vote of the Board. 

Section 3. The term of office for appointed coordinators shall be one (1) year, all terms to begin January 1 or the first day of the following fiscal year. 

Section 1. PRESIDENT of the BSC. This member shall supervise all activities of the Club and Board. This member will serve as chairman at all Club/Board meetings. This member shall be the ex-officio head of all committees, and appoint other special committees as the need arises, or when requested by fifty percent of more of the elected officers. This member shall maintain a file for insurance claims. This member serves as a member of CJSA. The President shall act as the Club's representative to the AGM of CJSA. This member shall act as liaisons between the VP’s player's parents, coaches and the Board, relaying information, concerns and needs between those concerned. The President can also assign other duties not listed to all other members of the Board as he/she sees fit. In this member's capacity as president of the Board, this member shall vote only in the case of a tie. 

Section 2. VICE PRESIDENT of the BSC. This member shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence and otherwise assist the President as required. Maintain a cooperative program of player development to further establish player's skills through camps, academies, tournaments, special sessions etc. This member shall serve as Club Parliamentarian and is a voting member of the Board. Should the President of the Club resign or be discharged from their duties, the VP will assume that role until such time a special meeting and vote can be held to fill the Position of the President. The VP will also serve as the Board Secretary during all meetings. They will submit all minutes and will be responsible for ensuring all meeting agendas are clearly posted in a timely manner prior to the start of each meeting. The approved agenda is listed above in Section 107. The VP shall

also be a stand in for the President when they’re not available for all events including but not limited to Board Meetings, Conference meetings etc. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 3. RECREATIONAL COMMISSIONER. This Commissioner of the BSC shall be responsible for the oversight and management of all recreational programs and all ages within the BSC. This includes team assignments, parent coaches management, Trainer assignments. This Commissioner will be assisted with these duties by the Director of Rec if needed. This member should keep track of paid trainers hours for payment and reconciliation with the training organization. The Recreational Commissioner will work with the Director of Uniforms to ensure uniforms are ordered and delivered in a timely manner. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 4: TRAVEL COMMISSIONER (Boys and Girls). There should be two Travel commissioners of the BSC. They will be responsible for the oversight and management of all travel programs for all ages within the BSC. This includes tryouts, obtaining parent volunteer coaches, and assisting in any tournaments that BSC decides to play. Player placement and coach assignment shall be coordinated with a committee. The Travel Commissioners will work with the Director of uniforms to ensure uniforms are ordered and delivered in a timely manner. Communicate information to coaches regarding programs, club policies and general information relating to club activities and team organization in coordination with the Director of Coaching. Work with the Director of Coaching if notified about coverage needed for travel teams. Addresses coaching inquiries from parents and reports to the Director of Coaching as required. The Travel Commissioner will host parent information meetings at the start of each season and be the point of contact of travel parents in the travel program. The Travel Commissioner will then reach out to any other board member as the issue relates to. The Travel Commissioners are responsible for setting up Travel Tryouts/Evaluations based on need from registration numbers. The Travel Commissioners may reach out to the Director of Coaching if assistance is needed with tryouts/evaluations. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 5: DIRECTOR OF COACHING. Reporting to the Club President, the Director of Coaching is responsible for working as the liaison between the training organization and the independent coaches of Brookfield Soccer Club. The DOC will work with the Travel Commissioners and President on developing and implementing a variety of training programs for Brookfield Soccer Club teams. The DOC will work with the Travel Commissioners to establish criteria for tryout evaluations. Provide monthly updates to BSC board meetings. The DOC will work with the Travel Committee (Travel Commissioners, President, Treasurer) on fee structure and payment of coaches and contract with training organizations. Has contact/feedback with Travel Managers, Travel and Rec Coaches. Work in

collaboration with Travel Commissioners for decisions around coaches to add or replace. Create pathways for Rec and Travel with developmental milestones for each age group. Manage and provide leadership to the club’s technical staff and coaches regarding development and organizational responsibilities. Oversee technical resources/program. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. This position may also be contracted out to an outside agency or person if the Board approves such. If that occurs, said person/group will not be voting members of the Board. 

Section 6. TREASURER. It will be this member's responsibility to keep a financial record of all monetary transactions, including all incoming and outgoing monies. This member shall maintain a checking account with signature authority vested in the President and Treasurer. This member shall transmit regular copies of all bank statements to the president for record keeping. This member shall provide a printed financial report at each regular Board meeting that details beginning balance, current categorized credits and debits and ending balance of the all the Club's financial accounts. This member shall be responsible for retrieving mail from the Club’s post office box. The Treasurer shall annually prepare, or cause to be prepared, a balance sheet and profit and loss statement as of a date within four months of the end of the Corporation’s fiscal year. At the end of each Soccer season, the Treasurer shall do a P and L projection on the clubs financial status and shall present this to the Board at least twice a year. The Treasurer shall prepare or have prepared by an Accountant the Clubs annual tax returns annually when due. The Treasurer shall grant books and records access to the President and Banking Authority. The President and Treasurer will be required to secure a ½ affirmative vote of the Board for any expenditure over $500.00. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 7: REGISTRAR. This member shall be responsible for certifying birth dates and all necessary forms and fees of all Club players. All fees shall be given to the Treasurer for deposit. This member shall be responsible for assigning all players to their prospective teams in accordance with established Club and CJSA guidelines. This member shall be responsible for submitting activated team rosters to CJSA, the Board and Club coaches in a timely manner. This member shall serve on the scheduling committee for the CJSA. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 8. DIRECTOR OF EQUIPMENT: This member shall be responsible for the purchase of field maintenance equipment and supplies. This member will organize and oversee field maintenance activities and related equipment, including field lining and goal posts placement. Responsible for coordinating setting out equipment pre-season and securing equipment post season. Responsible for setting out flags on fields on game days and collecting them at the end of the game. member of the Board. This member shall chair a committee to be responsible for the purchase of, maintenance, disposition, and

accountability of all uniforms and equipment. This member shall also be responsible for and required field equipment. This member shall secure the necessary use permits for all game fields with the Brookfield School District and the Brookfield Parks and Recreation Department. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 9. Director of Uniforms: This member shall ensure that all uniforms for both REC and Travel leagues are ordered and ready prior to the start of the seasons. This member shall deliver said uniforms to the fields so that they are ready for the first day of the season. This includes all uniform related items for coaches, trainers etc as well. This member shall report any changes to cost, design, etc that may arise which are out of the clubs controls. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 10. Director of Fundraising: This member shall be responsible for recruiting and securing funds through donations to support the BSC. These will include funds to be used for team sponsors, BSC Equipment and anything else BSC deems necessary to function. This member will solicit and collect said monies, whether it be in person, or via electronic transfer. All invoices must be sent to the sponsors before the end of the season that they are sponsoring. This member will create a spreadsheet that lists the sponsors and indicate whether funds have been collected. This will be shared with the President and Treasurer and anybody else that the President deems necessary. This person will also ensure that all sponsor signage is ordered and displayed. This member will present a report to the Board at each monthly meeting This member will also run and update all social media channels that the BSC has(ie facebook, Instagram etc). This is to include updates on tryouts, registrations, performance pictures etc. This member shall be a voting member of the Board. 

Section 11: Boys and Girls High School Coordinators. These two positions will work with the High School programs to ensure that BSC is doing all it can to be a feeder league for the Brookfield High School Soccer teams. These positions will be the liaison for both the high school coaches and AD. They will assist with apparel/swag and the online store. They will design and order shirts/swag to be handed out to the youth at HS games. They will set up and run the Bobcat camp, recruit HS players to participate, attend said camp and oversee the HS counselors, set up HS Summer trainings, registrations, dates etc. and recruit players to participate. During the in season, post on social media, banners etc. Secure ball boys/girls for the HS Home games. These members shall not be voting members of the Board. 

Section 12: WEBMASTER. This member shall manage the Club website. Responsibilities include keeping the site updated, liaison with the website host, and managing Club email accounts. This member shall be responsible for management of the Club domain names and will work with the Treasurer to ensure the domain name registrations remain current. This member will not commit the Club to any contract, agreement, or promise with a term of

more than one year without Board approval. This member shall not be a voting member of the Board. This position may be transitioned to a paid position and will be someone who is not a member of the Board. 

Section 13: REFEREE ASSIGNOR: This position will be a paid position. The financial stipend will only be paid if all games are covered by said person. This person will not be a member of the Board.

Policy III. Disciplinary Procedures 

Section 1. It is the desire of the Club to promote an atmosphere of good sportsmanship and fair play at all practices and games, whether at home or away. Any player, coach, or spectator violating basic good sportsmanship or the tenets set forth in the Bylaws or who is a member of the Club or is attending a practice or game as a spectator of the Club will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including suspension from the Club or suspension from attending games and practices. 

If a coach has a consistent problem (more than one incident) with a player or spectators’ behavior, the coach shall forward a written report to any Board member for appropriate action. Likewise, if a player, player parent, or spectator has a consistent problem with a coach they also should submit a written report to the Board for appropriate action. Any coach, player or spectator violating basic good sportsmanship or the tenets set forth in the Bylaws who is a member of the Club or is attending a game as a spectator of the Club will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including suspension from the Club or suspension from attending games. 

Violations of the ideals of good sportsmanship or fair play must be dealt with to assure the safety and well-being of the referees, coaches, assistants, players and the general public. The following is meant to be nondiscriminatory and to apply equally to any party conducting themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner and to deal with the prescribed various levels of disciplinary actions that the Board deems appropriate for any given level of misconduct. 

The coach shall be the spokesperson and club representative at all games. As such, the coach will receive the official penalties for the misconduct of all non-player persons that the referee deems are engaging in unsportsmanlike like conduct. These penalties may include ejection for the game and the field. It is the coaches' responsibility to control not only their actions but the actions of all spectators. If the coach has a consistent problem (more than one incident) with player or spectator behavior, the coach shall give a written report to the Board for appropriate action. 

The following actions were patterned after existing penalties that are already in use by other soccer sports clubs: 

• Coaches may make an appeal in writing to CJSA. 

• All accusations will be in written form before any action will be taken by the Board. • The accused coach may be immediately suspended from games and practices until the President, Vice President and/or Director of Coaching can hold a hearing. The President shall choose three to five hearing committee members. In his/her absence, the Vice President(s)or Director of Coaching will lead the hearing.

• The committee shall receive all evidence in writing from all parties concerned. It is the committee's right to choose to turn hearing matters over to CJSA. 

• If a coach feels he will be unfairly judged by one or all Board members, he may request Board members to be removed and may request outside advice. He may also get advice from CJSA. 

• The minimum penalty is a corrective letter from the Board. 

• The maximum penalty is a letter to PYSA requesting that the coach be banned from soccer. • The offending party will be notified in writing and will be allowed a period of time not to exceed ten (10) days from the Board's notification to appeal the Board's action. • If a player, player parent, or spectator has a consistent problem with a coach they also should submit a written report to the Board for appropriate action. 

All Disciplinary action shall be performed by a subcommittee as approved by the President. This will also be done in Executive Session. 

Should any conflict of interests arise, the President shall appoint a subcommittee to determine said conflict and apply an appropriate resolution to such. 

Section 2. Penalties 

The penalties described in this section are the-minimum-action the Board may take and are not meant to be a definitive and comprehensive guide. The Board, at its discretion, may enact harsher penalties, or opt to bypass the second and third chances for serious infractions. 

Spectator Penalties / Violations of the Code of Conduct

Coach and Player Penalties 

Section 3. Coach Removal 

All requests for the removal of a coach must be in written form, should detail the reasons for removal, and be signed by the person and or persons initiating the action. Upon receipt of such a request, at the Board’s discretion, the Board may immediately suspend the accused coach pending an investigation into the details of the request. If upon investigation by the Board it is determined that the request is justified and the accused coach has acted in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of the Club as outlined in Bylaw 102, a vote for removal

will be conducted. Upon two/thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board, a NSC coach may be removed from the roster of their team and be denied the coaching privileges of the Club. Appeal in written form by the coach will be considered by the Board. An appearance by the Coach before the Board to review an appeal will be required before a final decision is rendered. 

Section 4. Officer Removal 

Three (3) unexcused absences from Board meetings shall constitute an automatic vacancy of that Board position. The Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacated position. To be excused, an absence requires contact and notification of any elected Board officer. The Board may also automatically vacate a Board position and appoint a person to fill the vacated position if, in its judgment, the number of excused absences renders the Board member incapable of properly carrying out the duties of his/her office. A Board member may be suspended or removed from office for his/her failure to meet his/her responsibilities as described in these Bylaws, or for otherwise acting in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Club. Such suspension or removal shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board. Such vote shall be taken following a fact-finding hearing before the Board. The President or Vice President(s) shall appoint an impartial committee of factfinders to review allegations and present a report to the Board within 15 days of being appointed. 

Section 5. Appeals 

Anyone who is accused of violation of Club rules will be allowed to appeal the Board decision up to ten days after the Board has issued its notification. Any penalty shall be in force until a written appeal is received via certified at the Club post office box and signed for by a Board representative. Upon receipt of an appeal letter, the Board will convene a judiciary hearing to hear all sides and give the issue full consideration. The judiciary committee shall be made up of at least three members and not more than five members.

Policy IV. Board Operations 

Section 1. Fundraising and Sponsorship 

Any and all fundraising projects shall be approved by the Board. All sponsorship fees shall be set each year by the Board. Fundraising will be an opportunity to ensure that the Club will be able to provide necessary equipment, coaching, training, camps, and materials to run the Club. No individual team shall fundraise without prior BSC Board approval. ALL sponsorships must be approved by the Board. Application for sponsorship must be presented to the Board in writing with the intention and expectations of the sponsor. NO individual team shall endorse or accept sponsorship prior to Board approval. 

Section 2– Need-Based Scholarships 

If a player needs assistance towards registration fees only, he/she may fill out an application for assistance. All applications will be reviewed by the VP, Treasurer and Corresponding Commissioner and a decision will be made on each application. Scholarship assistance is based on and is limited to funds budgeted. Scholarships may not cover other costs such as uniform items nor does it cover individual team fees such as tournaments, trophies, Jamborees, and so on. Each scholarship value will be determined on an individual basis for each season.

Brookfield Soccer Club Refund Policy 

The Brookfield Soccer Club incurs significant costs (equipment, field use, insurance, coaching, administrative salaries, etc.) to provide BSC children the opportunity to play soccer. Many of these costs are incurred before the start of each season. 

Please take this into consideration as you plan your child’s schedule! 

Children who move out of town after registration but before the season starts will be charged the applicable processing fee and issued a refund for the remainder of their payment. Children who move out of town during the season will receive a prorated refund (minus the applicable processing fees) based on when in the season the child withdraws from the program. Refunds (minus processing fees) will be issued to children who become sick or injured prior to the start of the season and cannot play. Children who become sick or injured during the season will receive a prorated refund (minus processing fees) based on when in the season the child withdraws from the program.

Contact Us

Brookfield Soccer Club

P.O Box 5177, P.O.Box 5177
Brookfield, Connecticut 06804

Email Us: [email protected]
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